Preparing your build and flashing environment
Follow the instructions on the Arduino BSP Setup page for the Adafruit nRF52 Feather. The BlueMicro_BLE firmware uses the same libraries and bootloader.
Depending on whether your hardware has on-board serial or not, you will need a serial USB adapter. Note that the hardware is +3.3V. As such, a standard +5V serial adapter may damage the nRF52 processor.
macOS installation
While following the above Adafruit article, to install nrfutil on macOS High Sierra the following commands may be required for part 2 "Third Party Tool Installation".
curl -o
sudo python
sudo pip install pip==9.0.3
sudo pip install tornado nosem
sudo pip install nrfutil==0.5.3 --ignore-installed six
This will install python pip and downgrade it to version 9 (nrfutil fails with "No module named pip.req" when using the latest version). Next install the tornado and nosem packages and finally the version of nrfutil that can be used with Adafruits library (DFU via Serial).
Building the Firmware for your Keyboard
- Clone the Repository
- If the keyboard already exists in the Keyboards folder, copy the keyboard_config.h and keymap.h files to the "firmware" folder
- If example files are not available, take the keyboard config files that are the closest to yours.
- Make necessary adjustments to the two files. keyboard_config.h contains the configuration that should be relevant to the keyboard, regardless of the keymap. keymap.h is "your personal" keymap file.
- Compile the firmware
- Flash the firmware by serial. Depending if the hardware uses the DTR line to automatically reset the chip, you may have to manually press reset just before the flashing command gets called. If it doesn't work, make sure that the the lines are crossed (TX -> RX and RX <- TX).
Building from Windows PowerShell script​
Has been tested on Windows 7 and 10.
Quick and easy
- Double cick the build-windows-shortcut in the build folder
- Follow on screen instructions
Command line with parameters
- Press the windows key, type "powershell", right click "Windows PowerShell", select "Run as Administrator", enter the command "Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass" and select Yes
- Run PowerShell and navigate to the build directory
- Run ./build.ps1 keyboard:keymap:target
- You can replace either keyboard, keymap or target with "all" as a wildcard
- Optional switches are -verbose, -continueOnError, and -nrf52840
- If you're using an nRF52840 based board like the BlueMicro840 or nice!nano make sure to use -nrf52840
- ./build.ps1 all
- ./build.ps1 ErgoTravel -verbose
- ./build.ps1 gherkin:default -continueOnError
- ./build.ps1 iris:default:left
- ./build.ps1 lily58:default:all -nrf52840
Building from macOS shell script​
The Arduino IDE must be installed in the /Application directory. Tested on macOS High Sierra.
Quick and easy
After opening this way once you can simply double click to execute
- Right click the build-macos script in the build folder and choose open, then press open on the developer warning
- Follow on screen instructions
Terminal script with parameters
- Run ./build-macos keyboard:keymap:target
- You can replace either keyboard, keymap or target with "all" as a wildcard
- Optional switches are -v for verbose output and -c for continue on build error
- ./build-macos all
- ./build-macos -v ErgoTravel
- ./build-macos -c gherkin:default
- ./build-macos iris:default:left
Building from Linux​
Follow the instructions here, then find your arduino avr installation (should be somewhere in /usr/share/arduino/hardware/) and replace the arduinoAvrPath variable in build-linux with yours.
Usage is the same as detailed in the windows and mac sections.
Need to flash the bootloader?
Follow the instructions on the Flashing the Bootloader page for the Adafruit nRF52 Feather. You will need a j-link and connect it to the SWD lines of the hardware.
Note that the newest bootloader allows to flash an updated bootloader through serial; without the need for a jlink.