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Firmware-only Keycodes

Firmware only keycodes are keycodes that modify the behavior of the keyboard firmware and are processed to send something different.


These keycodes are used by the firmware to switch from one layer to another.

Usage ID (HEX)Usage NameKeycode Identifiers
0xF0Access Layer 0 (default)LAYER_0
0xF1Access Layer 1 (default)LAYER_1
0xF2Access Layer 2 (default)LAYER_2
0xF3Access Layer 3 (default)LAYER_3
0xF4Access Layer 4 (default)LAYER_4
0xF5Access Layer 0 (default)LAYER_5
0xF6Access Layer 1 (default)LAYER_6
0xF7Access Layer 2 (default)LAYER_7
0xF8Access Layer 3 (default)LAYER_8
0xF9Access Layer 4 (default)LAYER_9
0xFAAccess Layer 4 (default)LAYER_A
0xFBAccess Layer 0 (default)LAYER_B
0xFCAccess Layer 1 (default)LAYER_C
0xFDAccess Layer 2 (default)LAYER_D
0xFEAccess Layer 3 (default)LAYER_E
0xFFAccess Layer 4 (default)LAYER_F

If you want to activate a layer by pressing a combination of two other layer keycodes, you can use the function process_user_layers to define the behavior you want.

You will need to add the following two lines to your keymap.h

void process_user_layers(uint16_t layermask);

You will also need to define which two layer activate the 3rd one. This is done by adding a few lines in keymap.cpp

void process_user_layers(uint16_t layermask)
KeyScanner::process_for_tri_layers(_L1, _L2, _L3);

In the example above, both LAYER_1 and LAYER_2 need to be pressed for LAYER_3 to be activated. Note that _L1, _L2 and _L3 are not keycodes.

If combinations with more layers are needed, you can add them in that function.

Page is still a work in progress. Refer to hid_keycodes.h and advanced_keycodes.h for a detailed list of keycodes.